Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1

Today's Passage

Leviticus. What a challenge it was for them to live in a way that reflected God's ultimate purpose for His kingdom. When someone violated God's pattern, the judgment was often swift. As I reflect on the harsh response to someone cursing God, I am reminded how easy it is for God's Name to become nothing more than a lame expression in a culture. It's that way for our culture now. God wanted them to be an example and He didn't want it watered down. Therefore, He quickly removed the first offender.

You know the expression, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." God's plan for His people was a system that rewarded hard work but didn't permanently create a class of people who had all the economic advantages.

Mark. Notice the contrast between the way Jesus treated the children and the way He treated the rich young ruler. What do you think of it?

Psalms. Did you ever feel like you were trying to live right? Trying to obey God? But your world came apart anyway? Why did God let it happen? The Psalmist obviously struggled just like we do.

Proverbs. My prayer is to be godly and not a fool.

I love to read your insights and questions. I hope we can hear from you today.

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