Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28

Today's Reading

Deuteronomy. Moses reminded the people that God had a special plan for them because of His love. However, they needed to humble themselves before Him. It's a great lesson for you and me. Truthfully, God wanted to bless the whole world through them. Rather than take His blessings and hoard them, they were to demonstrate the power and love of God by refusing to following the false gods that were being worshiped in their new home. When He showered His blessings of love on them, they could show that love and encourage all to follow Him. The way it actually turned out is tragic.

Luke. When I was younger, I used to try to decide which of the four types of seed/soils were really saved for eternity. I'm not as concerned about that now. I have lived long enough to see people in each category. It makes me long to be good seed in good soil. You and I can choose which kind of seed we want to be. If we are in Christ, we are not the seed snatched away by the devil. We can choose how we live our lives as Christ-followers: shallow, choked out or multiplying. Which do you choose?

Psalms. Micah 6:8 says that the Lord requires us to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. I see all three in this Psalm.

Proverbs. I heard recently about someone who admitted, "I'm in over my head. I need to fix it and get out." Based on today's Proverbs, that's a recipe for disaster.

What are your thoughts, fellow reader? How about your questions?

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