Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10

Today's Reading

Genesis. Sarah didn't have Isaac until she was 90 and she lived to be 127. In today's passage, notice the bargaining that goes on when Abraham bought her burial place. We had discovered Abe to be a bargainer when he talked to God about the imminent destruction of Sodom. Now he bargains over property. This was very typical by the way (think Algodones). Ephron's offer to "give" him the property followed by a price was a way of haggling and saving face at the same time. If Abe had accepted the property as a gift he would have lost credibility and if Ephron had required payment, he would have lost credibility.

Genesis 24 gives the details of finding a wife for Isaac. You may have many questions about them, but don't overlook the faithfulness of God to take care of His people.

Matthew. The Palestine of 2,000 years ago was a largely uncivilized place -- even according to the standards of the time. Take a moment and reflect on what it must have been like for those who sought and received healing from Jesus. Without Him, most of them were without hope. Put yourself in their thoughts and imagine approaching Him for help.

As you reflect on today's Psalm, contrast God's love for the humble with His judgment of the arrogant.

Proverbs 3 seems to move from the personification of wisdom as the speaker to a parent speaking to his child. Proverbs 3:5-6 is an awesome passage to write down on 3x5 card and memorize. You will refer to it time and again.

Our comments seem to open up a bit more each day. Keep it up!


  1. I loved reading all about the faith of Abraham's servant in Genesis 24. One quick thing to note is that we don't learn his name. I thought that was interesting. But even more noteworthy is that he prays, he's specific in his prayer, he doesn't say a word to Rebekah about his requests and then he watches "her closely to learn whether or not the Lord had made his journey a success".
    I've recently started in a new job. The last day of training was this past week and tomorrow begins the "real deal". There are SO many things to remember that it's making me a nervous wreck. The servant's prayer, his specific requests before the Lord and how he trusted the Lord that his journey would be successful, all the while watching and without worry, is such a great example to me. I needed this passage today. His timing is perfect.

  2. Trust in the Lord. It sounds so simple. For me it always has been. My Mom says I have "Blind" faith. I know, always, Jesus will take care of me. He always has, he always will. I have so much trouble understanding why people have such a hard time just trusting

  3. Great insight, Ranelle. I appreciate the way you applied it to what is happening with your job.

    Roberta, some people have faith as a spiritual gift. Their faith is usually bigger than the faith of others and it's a wonderful thing with God gives for His purposes among His people. God gives each of us gifts (teaching, wisdom, leadership, administration, evangelist, etc.) and we are to use each gift to God's glory, believing that our strengths help supply the weaknesses of others, just as they help supply or weakness.
