Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2

Today's Reading

So, how did your first day go? Were you on familiar territory or was it all "Greek" to you?

Genesis. IF you have time today, take a long look at Genesis 3. See how many hidden objects you can find in the story.

For instance, can you find...


The Fall of humans into sin,

The Virgin Birth,

Jesus' sacrificial death,

The final judgment of Satan and sin?

They are all there. And more. Just in chapter 3.

Matthew. Revelation describes Satan as a dragon waiting before Mary as she gave birth, with the desire to consume Jesus. Here, he used the political manipulations of an insecure king. It's a tragic story, but one which clearly shows that we are in a life and death conflict.

Psalms. I have heard some of the scoffings of the scoffers. Have you? Their harsh judgment of Christ and His people used to make me defensive. I'm learning that God isn't too concerned about them, though. That gives me the freedom to love the ones I know and simply pray for them.

Proverbs. God's wisdom is meant to be first taught in the home.

Want to talk about it? Leave your questions and comments, then keep following along.

1 comment:

  1. In reading Genesis at the start of the new year, it's a reminder on how to approach a new beginning - follow God's path. I also like how Psalm starts with the basics of stay away from the wicked (temptations and companions) and join those who desire to follow God's ways. At my job we use a saying, "be brilliant in the basics," I think this applies to being a Christian as well..

    Happy New Year - 2010.
