Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28

Today's Reading

Exodus. When God is at work to change things in our lives, they often get worse before they get better. Today has a great example of this. Why do you think this is part of God's process?

Matthew. Jesus shares two great lessons; one on forgiveness and one on marriage. Your thoughts and comments?

Psalm 23. If you haven't memorized it, I hope you will. Which line or phrase is your favorite? Why?

Proverbs. Jesus said in Luke 4 that He came to set the captives free. Today's reading gives a great description of how we get captured.

I hope we can have some great moments of discussion here today.

1 comment:

  1. Looking at the story of Pharoah's refusal to let the Israelites go, the Lord says that the difficulties were there "so that I can multiply my signs and wonders in the land of . . . " I'd like to finish that statement with "in the land of Ranelle." I did have a time in my life when I walked through a tremenduous trial and learned so much as I grew in my walk with the Lord. Thinking that I had walked through probably the worst trial of my life, I was honestly shocked when faced with another trial that was argueably worse than the first one. My statement to God was, "But you have already taught me so much." I didn't realize at the time that not only did He want to teach me more, but He also desired to multiply His signs and wonders in the land of the Tibbetts.
    One other side observation, later on in that Exodus passage, the author tells us of a little dress rehearsal that God had with Moses and Aaron (vs. 8). The Lord is so patient with us!
