Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22

Today's Reading

2 Kings: if you were to make and action/adventure movie from the Old Testament, you couldn't do much better than what happened in the days of Elijah and Elisha!

Acts: I am always fascinated at what happened in Lystra. It seems like one minute the fickle crowd wanted to worship Paul and Barnabas; the next minute they tried to stone them. This passage conclude with the missionaries returning home to report back to the church which sent them.

Psalms: may we be the righteous who live under the mercy and protection of God!.

Proverbs: it is amazing to see the effect a positive attitude has on physical healing.

What are your thoughts?


  1. The story of the widow and the jars of oil really hit me today. It's amazing how God can provide in the most unexpected ways. Just when I think there's no way for God to get me out of this mess, I'm reminded of some story like this or like earlier today, the story of the fish with money in it's mouth in Matt 17:27. I hope that when God calls me to do something silly, like look in a fish's money for money or borrow a bunch of jars for oil I don't have, I'll just trust him and obey instead of questioning the bizarre

  2. Amen, Julie. I read the Bible for understanding and wisdom. I read it for encouragement. What I enjoy most is when it builds my faith. Thanks for reminding me!
