Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7

Today's Reading

1 Kings: because we live in a day and a place in which bloodshed is abhorred, it's hard to comprehend what Solomon did as he took control of the kingdom. I believe he had to take strong action or the nation was susceptible to anarchy.

Acts gives us a window into what life was like for the Apostles in the early days after Pentecost. What a movement of God! People were choosing Christ by the thousands. Many miracles were taking place and everyone was in awe. They also got a reality check as they faced the opposition of the religious leaders. Just a few years earlier, those Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes represented God to them! Now the apostles saw them for what they were: empty, religious people trying to hang on to their lifestyle. You and I must learn from this!

Psalms: the Lord surrounds His people, now and forever! Hallelujah!

Today's Proverb is more understandable when paired with Psalm 119:59: "I considered my ways and turned my feet to Your testimonies."

What do you see?

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how Peter remained humble with all he was doing. Even giving God the glory, still it would be hard not getting a "big head".
