Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 25

Today's Reading

2 Kings: I have read some of your comments about the character and lives of the prophets. Notice that God used Elisha to serve even the enemy King Ben-Hadad. God is no respecter of persons and not every word prophets spoke was pleasant. If the prophet was from God, though, the words came true!

Many are familiar with the conversion of the jailer of Philippi in Acts 16. It's often forgotten, however, that Paul and Silas were in jail because they cast a demon out of a girl. The girl was set free, but the men who profited from her demonization were angry because of their lost profits and had the preachers thrown in jail. The Gospel comes to town and shakes things up!

Psalms: David knew the stress and doubt of running from those who wanted him dead. He constantly reminded himself through his songs that God was faithful.

Proverbs is a fitting answer to those who threw Paul and Silas into prison, as we read in Acts today.

What do you see?

1 comment:

  1. I would think that having someone that was known to "tell the future" saying that Paul and Silas were from the One True God would be a good thing. Why did that bother them so that they cast out the spirit? I doubt it was a Godly spirit, but it was still professing Chirst.

    "My soul longs for You like a thirsty land" - That is so truely how we feel when we 'stray away' from God. It feels SO GOOD to come HOME to Him. We don't always even realize how much until we "come Home".
