Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12

Today's Reading

Exodus. The three feasts were each designed to call the people back into focus upon God. They were needed because the hard work and the pace of life could cause the people to forget. Even though we have something they didn't have -- the in dwelling Holy Spirit who offers us ongoing intimacy with God -- we need to learn from the necessity of taking time to draw near to Him. As I get older, those times get more rewarding.

Moses got into God's face, interceding for the people. Then God got into Moses' face. The people were in awe of God's power at this time and received word that those with generous hearts should bring an offering. How would you describe yourself?

Matthew. All it takes for tyranny to win is for good men to do nothing. What a scene at Christ's trial. The stage was set for my Savior to pay my price.

Psalms. God sees, knows, understands and has compassion on those who fear Him. What does that say to you?

Proverbs. Wisdom is beautiful, luxurious and invites me to dinner. Will I choose her or slip away to some tempting place that will help destroy me?

You are taking a lot in. What are your thoughts, Climbing Companions?


  1. Passages about the festivals are beautiful to read in the Hebrew. While some English translations use the term "feasts", in Hebrew they are referred to as "appointed times", and "My [God's] appointed times" (Lev. 23:1-2). God's personal name, "YHVH", is used here. He intimately calls His people to Himself.

    As one who celebrates many of the appointed times, I have been richly blessed by meeting with Him.

    It is a wonderful thing to hear God's heart for His people Israel and for those of us who are grafted into the body of Messiah!

    Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

  2. I love hearing this perspective. Thanks, IH!
