Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21

Today's Reading

Leviticus. Today's passage contains some of the dietary laws God gave His people to keep them physically healthy. Some research has shown the benefits of these. A great book on the food subject is called The Maker's Diet. Hmmm. I wonder if kosher markets are selling locusts and beans instead of pork and beans.

The laws concerning a woman's impurity after pregnancy seem irrelevant. She and her husband were to abstain during that time. However, I heard a few years back that a medical study was done on Jewish women who observe those regulations today. They have almost zero instances of ovarian cancer.

Can anyone doubt the compassion of Jesus after reading Mark today? I found myself wondering when and where she had heard of the idea of grabbing the hem of his garment. The Gospels record several such instances.

Psalms. Paul wrote in Romans that we should not be conformed to this world. The first time we commit a heinous sin -- something which deeply violates our own conscience -- we can feel exactly like what this passage says. I have been there. Have you? On the other hand, continuing such sins sears our conscience and we lose that pure heart we once had.

I want to always be open to instruction. That's because I believe Proverbs.

Fire away, you guys. I love your insights and ponder your questions.

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