Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7

Today's Reading

Exodus. I am one of those people who, when all else fails, finally reads the instruction manual. That is, until it comes to putting together a somewhat complicated piece of equipment or furniture. Some time ago that was the case with a fairly large, complex exercise machine. It arrived in something like seven different boxes! I suddenly became very particular about taking inventory of all the tiny parts before I followed the construction steps to the letter.

I thought of that experience when I read today's Scripture in Exodus. This is not a fun passage for me because it doesn't fit the way I think. Over the years, though, I have noticed that people have taken this set of instructions a built a reproduction of the Tabernacle.

What does this passage say to you?

Matthew today consists of two memorable parables (stories) of Jesus. Notice that both stories are about people who didn't have what they needed when they needed it. In both cases, they didn't have it because of their own omission. What does each mean to you?

Psalms. I have noticed that I'm more casual about how much I need God when everything is going well. This chapter says He is our Rock, our Fortress. That's true every day. What does it say to you today?

Proverbs. Oh, how wisdom cries to our hearts, longing for us to hear! Am I listening? Are you?

What are you getting from today's reading?


  1. Thinking on Matt 25, I know that each parable just give us a piece of the bigger picture, but both of these two parables always surprise me. With both, the God figure responds without the grace and mercy we usually see. I wonder if we, as a culture focus on how wonderful God is so often that we forget that he is also the judge of the world.

    My study bible says the oil represents our spiritual condition / relationship with God while the talents represent whatever God has entrusted to us. I was thinking the bridesmaids problem was that they didn't plan ahead (being a planner myself) but the study bible seems to think this parable was trying to illustrate that, in the end, our relationship with God cannot be bought or borrowed- it must be our own. I was thinking the 1 tallent man's problem was that he was afraid, but the study bible just called him lazy. ... Interesting...

  2. Great insights, Julie. The parables are so powerful because a person can look at them from different angles.
