Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19

Today's Reading

So much about this story in Genesis rivets me. Joseph is betrayed by his brothers, blessed by God in Potiphar's house, betrayed by Potiphar's wife and blessed by God in prison. After all that, he is forgotten by one of Pharaoh's servants. All that pain! Yet, God always has a purpose.

What do you think of this story so far?

To me, Jesus answer when his mother and brothers came to see Him -- in Matthew today -- is one of His most mysterious sayings. What does it say to you? Following that event, He teaches through parables. These word stories paint powerful mental pictures and help us remember truth.

I find today's Psalm powerful and challenging.

Proverbs today is 3 verses that each contrast the lives of the righteous and the wicked.

What are you learning? What leaves you "scratching your head"?


  1. I look at Psalms and I pray that one day I can say,
    "You have tested my thoughts and examined my heart in the night. You have scrutinized me and found nothing wrong."

    I think this is one of the greatest statements a person could ever make.

  2. I think that Joseph was a very patient man. I think from what is said that Jesus said that is if we are willing to listen and not just hear, then we will know what God wants from us. I think from my understanding.I hope I am interpreting it correctly.

  3. Jen, I love your interpretation. Ultimately, the best interpretation I when we listen with an open heart to what God wants to say to us.

  4. I see the Genesis reading today as God's greater purpose. God sent Joseph to save Egypt.
