Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26

Today's Reading

An interesting note to today's reading in Exodus. The story of humans on earth had been told verbally from generation to generation until the time of Moses. He was the one who started writing down the hundreds of years of human history. Consequently, he is now telling us his own story.

We receive some beautiful detail about Moses' birth and a small story about his flight from Egypt. The encounter with the burning bush begins a journal of many significant events. By this time, Moses was 80 years old. He was in Egypt for about 40 years, in Midian for about 40 years and leading the people for his last 40 years. I believe it was Dwight L. Moody who said, "Moses spent the first 40 years of his life thinking he was somebody, the next 40 years of his life finding out he was a nobody, and the last 40 years of his life discovering what God can do with somebody who finds out he's a nobody."

It seems that almost everything Jesus said and did in today's Matthew passage has to be pondered to gain understanding. Even after reading and studying these passages over much of my life, I find myself discovering new facets as I grow older. What do you think?

Psalm 22 is prophetic. Written hundreds of years before Jesus, it describes many occurrences on the cross. What do you see?

Proverbs. Again, we are warned about the dangers of yielding to temptation. In this case, it's especially the temptation of immorality.

I anticipate your questions and your insights.


  1. It's so important to me that the Bible includes things like Psalms 22. Even though David was a man after God's own heart, he still struggled and still had moments of despair. When I'm having a hard day it's so comforting to hear David's words echo my own emotions.

  2. I have never figured out the significance of Peter having to catch a fish and pull out a coin for taxes. I understand the taxes and significance Jesus was making in paying his taxes, but the fish throws me a bit.

    I only see the theme of fish used throughout the bible and the faith and obedience of catching a fish and finding the coin.

    All of which should be enough, I just think there is something else I am missing.

  3. In regards to the Matthew passage, I thought it was important that he was "terrified" when God spoke.

    My bible contains a picture of Mt. Tabor where it is speculated that Jesus' transfiguration took place. It is beautiful; you can see for miles and look out onto the land and fields. Perhaps you can locate a similar photo by googling "Mt. Tabor".

    When I read Psalm 22, I could picture Jesus with people coming to mock him. Who exactly were the "bulls" and the "lions"? I could visualize them taking his clothes, preparing to hang him on the cross, as well as how he gathered strength from God to survive suffering.

  4. Kella, cool idea on googling Mt. Tabor. I did and loved it! I think "bulls" and "lions" are word pics of powerful, mean people.
