Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2

So, how did your first day go? Were you on familiar territory or was it all "Greek" to you?

IF you have time today, take a long look at Genesis 3. See how many hidden objects you can find in the story.

For instance, can you find...


The Fall of humans into sin,

The Virgin Birth,

Jesus' sacrificial death,

The final judgment of Satan and sin?

They are all there. And more. Just in chapter 3.

Want to talk about it? Leave your questions and comments, then keep following along.


  1. One of the most interesting things in this passage is that Adam was with Eve as she was tempted by the serpent. Instead of waiting to see what happened, he should have been encouraging her to obey God. He should have been leading, instead of allowing himself to be led by the events. Cain building the first city is mentioned (hidden object?)

  2. Thanks, Josh. How is everyone else doing on hidden objects?

  3. In verse one Lucifer is the serpent.
    The fall of humans into sin was in verse 6.
    The virgin birth - verse 16??
    The final judgement of Satin & Sin - verses 14, 15?
    Jesus sacraficial death? ?

  4. Sandy, you did great! I admit to a couple of "stumpers." The virgin birth is in verse 15, but it's harder to notice in the New Living. The NLT word "offspring" is "seed" more literally and only the man has the seed, yet the war to come was to be between the serpent's (Satan) offspring and the offspring of the woman -- meaning a birth without a human father.

    The blood sacrifice is in verse 21, when God made clothing for them from animal skins. They had tried to make coverings for themselves by sewing leaves together. God, however, shed blood to cover their nakedness -- the outward evidence of their sin.

  5. Well, as you can see, I'm already behind, but did a lot of reading today and I hope to be caught up by the weekend.
    Lucifer = serpent
    Fall of humans = in verse 5 when they eat the fruit
    I wasn't sure about the Virgin Birth, although Genesis does speak about the difficulty of women's childbirth...
    Jesus sacrificial death - In Gen 3:18 when He says "It will produce thorns and thistles for you".
    The final judgment of sin = verse 14-15
