Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 20

Today's Reading

Leviticus. We don't really know what Aaron's family was like before they left Egypt. We know that Aaron stood with his brother Moses in the presence of Pharaoh. What we do know is that Aaron caved in and built a golden calf while Moses was up on the mountain with God. Now we read that Aaron's sons weren't taking their priestly role seriously. Their drunkenness and disobedience of God's law violated God's holiness and God took action.

Mark. What do you think of the storm that Jesus rebuked? How about his actions with the demonized man and the pigs?

I continued to find great hope as I read Psalms today.

Proverbs reaffirms the Psalms message.

Good stuff! What are your thoughts?


  1. Wonderings:
    -I've always wondered why Aaron's sons didn't follow God's VERY specific instructions regarding the individual offerings.
    -I've always wondered how long Jesus would've actually slept and let the storm build before He woke up and controlled it.

  2. You must have been a handful at age 4, Ranelle!
    - Re Aaron's sons; it's most likely that they were drunk on the job. Sounds crass, but that was probably it. (They couldn't walk in a straight line, either.)

    - Re Jesus; he would have slept long enough and woken up in time. However, if it weren't for the frantic reaction of the disciples, we probably wouldn't have been told the story. :)
