Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22

Today's Reading

Leviticus. Leprosy and similar diseases were a constant danger. An outbreak could virtually consume this nation and God gave instructions on what to watch out for. In their system, the priests were the ones to determine if something was a contagious skin disease or not. Lepers became social outcasts. But Jesus had compassion for them. We must similarly care for those our culture has cast away.

Mark. An unbelieving hometown, success coupled with resistance as disciples go on the road, as well as a jealous queen and wimpy king: these all make up the high drama of today's passage.

Psalms. When we experience difficulty, God has a purpose in it!

Proverbs reminds me to not take sin lightly.

What are these Scriptures saying to you today?


  1. That must have really hurt Jesus to be rejected in his own home town. Reading this comes on a morning when I've really been praying for my daughters. You know, persecution now days might not be physical like it was in our Christian history, but it is still alive. We need to be praying for our teenagers. They still have choices they have to make for Christ and it isn't popular and even ridiculed by their fellow peers. Jesus endured so much ridicule. His response to it all is an amazing example. I don't think my daughter will be shaking dust off her feet as she leaves her high school at the end of the school day, but I'm praying that she will feel His peace as she walks the halls today.

  2. Thanks for the clarification about Old Testament laws, that really helps. So clearly the guidelines today were pertaining to the health of the people, right?

    Psalms really spoke to me today. I struggle so much with holding my tongue, and I tend to speak first and think later.

  3. Yes, Lara, I think today's passage is clearly about health statutes.

    Thanks to both Ranelle and Lara for sharing some of your life with us today.
