Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25

Today's Reading

Leviticus. When Israel was enslaved to Egypt, they were dealing with the difficulty of the slavery. Their slave status left them as societal outcasts who were seen as "different". It meant that they were not so tempted to worship the gods of the Egyptians. That all changed, however, when they were free from slavery and on their own. They were surrounded by pagan people with a variety of pagan worship acts, including child sacrifice and sexual immorality. Their very freedom exposed them to a great temptation to follow after the false gods.

How does this relate to us? To you?

Mark. Today's passage gives an example of Jesus' creativity in ministry. I can't imagine the way He touched the deaf and dumb man. I am amazed at the question he asked the Gentile woman. What do you see?

Today's Psalm is a little hard to understand unless you filter it through the words of Paul in Ephesians..."Our struggle isn't against flesh and blood..." Our real enemies are spiritual.

Proverbs. Our attitude about money trumps the amount of money we have.

Questions? Thoughts?


  1. The Israelites were given instructions and laws in all kinds of things. If they didn't follow these, they were thrown out of the camp away from their fellow neighbors. They were to obey every instruction and true communion with the God of Israel as well as communion with the other Israelites was theirs. It is a parallel with my walk with Christ this present day. If I choose to obey and follow the Lord in my day-to-day walk, I have complete communion with the Lord. If I choose to go the other way, my communion is torn apart temporarily until I confess my sin. . . it kind of reminds me of when Paul mentions in the New Testament that true freedom comes when we are slaves to Christ, not slaves to sin.

  2. What a great insight, Ranelle. Thoughts like this and questions like we have had lately have made this my favorite read-through of Leviticus. Thanks!
