Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23

Today's Reading

Leviticus. When people were healed from their skin diseases, it was critical to make sure they were really well. Shaving off all their hair made it possible to see outbreaks that otherwise might have been missed. Failure to discover and quarantine people with such diseases could have led to an epidemic.

As I read this passage, I suddenly remembered a problem several years ago. It turned out that the Yuma High School buildings had developed serious mold. It was big news at the time because it took millions to clean up. Why spend the money? Because of the illness it would have otherwise caused!

Mark today tells about an ordinary day in the life of Jesus. He fed multiplied thousands (5,000 men plus women and children), walked on the water and healed all the people who touched Him. God never asks us to do what He doesn't provide the resources to do.

Waiting patiently for the Lord -- today's Psalm. How are you doing in that area?

Proverbs. May all our words be as a life-giving fountain!

I hope to hear from you today!


  1. Patience just happens to be my weakness. I am incredibly impatient, and have never been good at the whole "waiting on the Lord" thing.

    The message about God's provision was powerful today also. That's another area where I struggle. When things seem impossible, I tend to forget that nothing is impossible for God.

  2. Psalm 40:6 says "You take no delight in sacrafices or offerings". Then why does God order them?. It seems so barbaric, I've never understood it. I'm glad we've progressed past that.

  3. How meticulous the priests had to be when checking for healing of a skin disease or the removal of house mildew reminds me of how careful and meticulous I need to be when looking through my life to see if there is anything that is keeping me from growing in my walk with the Lord.

  4. Thanks, Lara, for being authentic.

    Roberta, He is talking here about thinking we can get right with God by our sacrifices without allowing Him to change our hearts -- doesn't work. The sacrifices in the old Testament were looking forward to the ultimate sacrifice for our sins: Jesus.

    Ranelle, I thought you were going to talk about being careful and meticulous when getting lice out of a kid's hair. Been there; done that!
