Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9

Today's Reading

Exodus. Today we read about the ordination of the High Priest. Notice how much blood is shed to cover everyone and everything consecrated for worship. Following that is the instruction for the incense (represents prayer/intercession) altar.

Matthew. Betrayal. The Supper. Gethsemane. All are packed into this night of Jesus' life and recorded here.

Psalms reminds us again today that God protects and provides for those who fear Him. Do you get the idea that He might want us to lay hold of this truth, given how many times we have already read it?

Proverbs. Again, wisdom cries out for us to hear. It reminds me of the town criers who brought the news to the people before newspapers. They went through the cities and towns "crying" the news. Preceded by words like "Hear ye, hear ye..." they first got the peoples attention, then gave the info they were to deliver. In a way, that's what Proverbs has been doing. We are almost to the rich content of the message!

Today, I hope to Hear YE! What do you see? What concerns you? We had great input yesterday.


  1. I love to read of Peter's fervor and loyalty. It must've been so awful for him to hear that rooster crow later on that night when he denied ever knowing Christ. God was so merciful in His forgiveness of Peter and then later used him in such a mighty way for the rest of his life. Stories like that encourage me in my life with Christ. There are so many times when I do a type of "denying" Christ . . . don't speak up when I feel His tugging on my heart, laugh at something that is unpure, speak harshly at my loved ones, feel intense anger at another driver, get puffed up with my own importance over those who I am to serve, etc. The list goes on, but so does His immense grace and mercy. I am so thankful.

  2. So, in reading Exodus today I am surely grateful that we no longer live by the law. Wow, the steps taken to ordain the priests and ensure they were made pure for serving God in that capacity! Taking that in a lighter note, can anyone imagine Sam and John in turbans at an alter waiting to be purified? It's a funny image but yet that was the requirement. I'm amazed at what the blood of Christ does, not only in my life but the way we live our lives as Christians.

  3. Ranelle, your vulnerability to the Word really touched my heart this morning. Thanks!

    Sean, John's turban will look like a ball cap. Mine will be blue. If Tom wears one, it will probably have polka-dots! Seriously, though, thanks for your insights!
