Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12

Today's Reading

Numbers. This illustrates one of the hard truths about leadership: some followers are never happy. Later in today's reading is a description of the tithes required of the priests. They were to give the best of what they received from the people. This is a great life lesson for those of us who receive our income from ministry.

Mark describes the scene shortly after the resurrection. I'm touched by the words in verse 7, "Go tell the disciples, including Peter..." Peter was surely the one who told Mark about this and was deeply moved that Christ wanted to include him following his denials. Some of you will notice "alternate endings" for this Gospel. The reason we have them has to do with the way these writings were passed from person to person long before printing presses. They had to be hand-copied and could end up with minor variations from that. Also, the earliest copies we have available are dated at least 300 years after they were written. In others, the manuscripts are probably copies of copies of copies. It's likely that during those years someone edited the manuscript with additions. The shorter version of this chapter is the older edition (according to scholars) and, therefore, more accurate.

Psalms. The deepest discouragement I ever felt was at the betrayal of a close friend. I keep learning what it is to work through those times by constantly calling upon God.

Proverbs. Human strength is indeed feeble. I pray that all of us would discover it.

Your thoughts today? How about questions?


  1. Today's reading was heavy! I feel like I need to reread it to make sure I got everything. In Numbers, it said over and over about giving God the best offerings we can. I have to remind myself of this, because it is human nature to keep the best for ourselves.

  2. That thought convicts me, too. Thanks for highlighting it, Lara.
