Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2

Today's Reading

Leviticus. In Chapter 26, God's people are given the blessing that follows obedience and the judgment that comes with disobedience. Do you think that the current economic crisis is at least partly a result of our disobedience to God? What about the drought in the Western U.S.?

Mark. Today's reading takes place as Jesus nears the cross. He knows what is ahead, but his disciples do not. He uses the opportunity to teach them about serving.

Psalms. 10 Listen to me, O royal daughter; take to heart what I say.
Forget your people and your family far away.
11 For your royal husband delights in your beauty;
honor him, for he is your lord.
Those of us who belong to Christ ARE the bride and He is the husband who delights in us! What an awesome thought!

Every good and perfect gift comes from God: Proverbs today affirms it.

It's great to have you along for the journey. Your thoughts? Your questions?


  1. I'm not sure how to answer your questions on our passage in Leviticus. On one hand, I see how we as a nation have caused our economic crisis. We haven't been obedient to the Lord and we've taken steps that naturally lead to that end. As far as a drought in the western U.S.? I'm not too familiar with farming, but I wonder if we do let a piece of land sit for one year every seven years. Maybe Lara could answer that :) If we don't, that would naturally lead to some consequences - one of which would be a drought. But, if we aren't careful, we could carry this conversation over to "natural" disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. Some stuff just happens because of, well . . . the fact that this world isn't a perfect world and we turned our backs on God in the beginning, destroying the perfect union we had with Him which included a perfect earth. Great question!

  2. I'm always humbled at the servanthood displayed by Jesus. In today's scripture He knows what is to come and uses it as a teaching point. What a display of composure and patience, things I need to work on.

  3. I have always wondered about how our obedience or disobedience plays into disasters. I know some things happen as a result of sin in our world. But after every big disaster, it seems like there are always Christians blaming one thing or another. I think our current economic crisis is a result of a nation who stepped away from under God's umbrella of protection and chased wealth and greed instead. The drought...I'm just not sure about.

    I love the picture of servanthood Christ gives us. It is so simple, but so rarely seen in our world today, even among many "Christian" leaders.
