Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31

Today's Reading

Deuteronomy. It amazes me that God gave them guidelines if they selected a king. However, he strongly warned them not to select one. Today also includes a "story behind the story": Deuteronomy warns that a king should not have many wives or they would pull his heart away from the Lord. Solomon, who violated this passage and harvested what he planted, wrote the Psalm we read today. It's amazing how someone with such insight into God's ways could make such a wrong choice. I take that as a warning for us.

Luke. You and I look back on the ministry of Jesus with a perspective of what would could later, including His death, resurrection and (later) return. They had limited awareness at the time. Imagine how awestruck they were and consider how confusing He must have been to them.

Psalms. David (Solomon's father) was a warrior who had God's compassion for the poor. It's interesting how our two (U.S.) political parties have tended to divide these issues, each being stronger on one and weaker on the other.

Proverbs. If nothing else, may we have common sense in all our dealings.

That's about it. How about your input? Do you have questions today?

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