Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. The description of what a king would take from the people reminds me of the frequent greed among our leaders today. Claiming to care for the people, they line their pockets with wealth at the expense of the people.

Today we receive our introduction to Saul. Tall, handsome and strong, Saul had all the characteristics the people would look for in a king. However, Saul lacked confidence. It may have seemed humble, but his comment about being from an insignificant family is very telling. Insecure people do all sorts of sinful things to build up their own self-esteem. With Saul, it was sick and very damaging, as we shall see.

John. Jesus taught that we should trust God to provide all we need in life, according to this passage. That doesn't mean that we are to be lazy. It means that we are to simply trust and obey Him.

Psalms. Just how low can we get in our sin? This passage gives a pretty good picture!

Proverbs. If you wonder what is happening to us in the USA, read these verses.

May we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways. THEN God will hear, forgive and heal us. Your thoughts and comments?

1 comment:

  1. A good reminder today with the statement that Jesus is the bread of life. A simple message I always need to be reminded of - to seek His spiritual nurishment first.
