Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12

Today's Reading

1 Samuel. Saul, in his insecurity, was too impatient to wait on God's timetable. By making the sacrifices himself, he sinned against God and cut off his future from God's blessing. It's a tragic story. I wonder how many times I have missed God's best because I got in a hurry.

John. Saul (above) was in conflict with God; Jesus was in conflict with people who were choosing their own way instead of God's way. There's a lesson to be learned in the contrast between the two passages.

Psalms. Sometimes the best place to be is the place of desperation in prayer. That's where David seemed to be in this Psalm. I have learned to cherish the moments when I can cling only to God and hope only in His deliverance.

Proverbs. Once again, may we speak healing, life-giving words rather than those that bring death.

Your thoughts today? Questions?


  1. "Gentle words are a tree of life;
    a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit."
    Oh, how I love this verse. This is my prayer for today. That I might have gentle words, not only with the ones that it's easy to have a gentle tone with, but also with those that it's difficult to talk gently to.

  2. Does the consideration that the passage about Saul making the sacrifice without Samuel's blessing may be a redaction added by later authors change your reading of that passage any?

  3. Erika, when it comes to such critical views I realize that I am a student and not a scholar. My observation is this: people far more learned than I will ever be have argued these points for years. Some fall on the side of the validity and reliability of the Bible; others doubt and do everything possible to cast doubt. I will choose to accept by faith some things I can never understand. Jesus Christ has changed my heart and keeps changing me. He demonstrates in me the reliability of God's Word. Therefore, the critical view doesn't change my reading of this passage.
