Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. As I read today's passage, it struck me that David's great victories -- accompanied by his magnanimous gestures to former enemies -- must have led him into pride. How else could he have given in to fleshly desires toward another man's wife, then have the other man killed? Said another way, I don't think he took a giant, instant leap into adultery and murder; I think he took a series a baby steps away from God. To me, that's much scarier.

John. The Holy Spirit keeps pointing us to Jesus. Our very existence depends on Him. He is the vine, the source of life itself. The more we choose to walk with Him and bear fruit, the more we undergo pruning.

Psalms. As I prayed these verses, I was refreshed by one of my favorite verses (which happens to be in today's reading)...
"I pondered the direction of my life,
and I turned to follow your laws."

Proverbs. No matter how much information we have, it is God who must ultimately approve our plans and make them happen.

As you make plans for the summer, what do today's lessons say to you? Do you have questions about what you have read?

1 comment:

  1. When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples.

    This verse made me realize that faith is more than believing, it is living and producing that which we claim to believe.
