Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. In many ways this was the pinnacle of David's power. I heard someone recently talk about our spiritual battles including an "air war" and a "ground war." David and his army had to fight the enemy on the ground, but he was constantly praying for God's direction and provision (the air war).

John. The longer I know Jesus, the more I am amazed at the simple power of His words.

Psalms. When we are down, it's the best time to let God's word speak to us!

Proverbs. As hard as it may be at the moment, correction is a great friend.

What do you see today, Climbing Companion? Do you have questions?


  1. So much in today's readings! I have heard this verse: "Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!" used in the context of prosperity. Yet, reading the verses leading up to it, Jesus says anyone who believes in him will do as he has done. This gives an entirely different perspective to the meaning of this verse.

    David was a great example of willing to become foolish in the eyes of man to glorify God.

  2. "...encourage me by Your word.
    Keep me from lying to myself;
    give me the privilege of knowing Your instructions."
    I have recently been convicted about the lies I feed myself. The more I'm in the Word, the less chances for that to happen. It truly is a privilege to know God's Word. To have both the Old and New Testaments and be able to read them in our own language. I was also thinking about how new it was for Peter and the other believers in the New Testament. Before they had to rely on the priests for their access to God. Now Jesus was telling them that if they had seen Him (and they had) and if they knew Him (and they did), then they knew God the Father. What a new concept for them. I imagine it was a difficult one for them to grasp.
