Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29

Today's Reading

2 Samuel. God used David's own weakness regarding the people he loved to set up the promised judgment of David's sin with Bathsheba an Uriah. David's son Amnon had raped Tamar and David did nothing about it so Absalom murdered his half-brother. David did nothing about that and Absalom decided to steal the kingdom from his dad. What pain and misery from the failure to make hard decisions. I often learn from this passage because I -- at one time -- also failed to take strong action with a rebellious staff member and our entire church suffered for it.

John describes today the dark scene of Jesus' arrest, along with the beginning of His trials and the first denial of Peter.

Psalm 119. Praying this prayer today has reminded me of the importance of learning God's Word. As I meditate on it, I am shown the way to be protected from sin and to stand in the face of my soul's enemies.

Proverbs makes me think of the homes in the Beverly Hills area where I recently drove. The lure of riches is huge. The constant temptation, "These things I will give you if you will bow down and worship me," is enough to have destroyed many good people. May we walk in God's truth and not be fooled by the lie!

Your thoughts? Do you have questions?

1 comment:

  1. I say with the Psalmist today:

    "Your laws are my treasure;
    they are my heart’s delight.
    I am determined to keep your decrees
    to the very end."

    May it always be!
