Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14

Today's Reading

Joshua. What lessons do you learn from the deception of the Gibeonites and the failure of Israel's leaders to catch them in it because they failed to consult God? What about the total annihilation of so many different tribes and people?

Luke. Jesus' words, "we are unworthy servants who have simply done our duty," almost seem cold. What do you think He meant? What does the story of Lazarus and the rich man tell you about God's judgment?

Psalms. I know of no passage that better describes the generations-long conflict in the Middle East than this one.

Proverbs. God's wisdom seems to say that it's better to take any job you can get than to sit and home hoping for a great one. I believe that God blesses those who are faithful in starter jobs with better jobs.

I hope to hear from you today. Do you have questions or thoughts for us?


  1. This may be a little off topic, but it is drawn from a conversation that Travis and I had with Savannah, our daughter. She was wondering if the Jews were the first occupants of the land of Israel. From this first question, we moved into all that had to take place in order for them to occupy it. I had to be honest with her and tell her that I do have a difficult time with all the killing that had to take place. I can understand killing between the various armies, but the women and children??? Is this a type of example of how when we as believers rid our life of sin, we are to completely annihilate it?
    It's neat how today's readings in a couple of our passages deals with the subject our family was on last night.
    About the deception of the Gibeonites - first of all, they were rather clever to come up with that plan. Secondly, the story shows how we need to take a step back from decisions in our life and truly go to the Lord with them - first.
    Challenging passages today.

  2. Ranelle, I think it's good interpretation to look at those enemies the same way we look at sin today. We aren't to make treaties with it or to leave it in one corner of our lives.

    No, Israel wasn't the first people group there. In the same way, our lives were intended for God's glory have been sullied by the presence of enemies. When Christ comes in, those enemies are to be driven out. We are rightfully His, just as the Land was rightfully God's. He can choose what He wants to do with it.
