Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2

Today's Reading

Deuteronomy. While many of these regulations don't jive with our current culture, most (or all) of them paint a significant picture of God's righteous standards. Living by them not only brings Him glory, but also protects us from much pain. What do you think?

Luke. I'm not be quick to condemn those who do wrong. It's very human to want fire from heaven; it's not the character of Christ.

Psalms, on the other hand, calls for judgment. Part of this difference is the Old Testament, when God's people were at war with their human enemies. The New Testament is about war with spiritual enemies.

Proverbs includes yet another word of wisdom for those who want to survive difficult economic times.

Your thoughts today? Do you have questions?


  1. I have a hard time reconciling these laws that involve stoning people with "he who is without sin cast the first stone." Is this because all of these laws were before the death of Jesus when our sins were forgiven?

  2. Without the indwelling Holy Spirit, they were in a pickle. If sin got started, it raged like a wildfire and I think that this was God's way of putting the fire out with minimal damage. Jesus, the one who baptizes us with the Holy Spirit, changed everything. He provided the means of our forgiveness, but much more. He provided a way we can be restored to the His original intent for humans; that restoration begins with a changed heart. Turning the other cheek is the sign of a new heart.
