Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7

Today's Reading

Deuteronomy. I was in a Small Group gathering where someone mentioned remembering the books of the New Testament because she learned them as a kid in the form of a song. Something about our mental processes helps us remember (even memorize) things normally difficult for us if we learn them attached to a tune. God wanted His people to remember Him after they entered the Land so He gave Moses a song.

Luke. Jesus shares several facets of truth about money today. Which one speaks the most to you?

Psalms. I find great comfort in the promise that God is constantly merciful toward me because He remembers that I am a mere mortal. How about you?

Proverbs. One of the signs of spiritual maturity is the willingness to keep truth to ourselves and share it only at appropriate moments. I need to keep growing in that area.

How are you doing today? Do you have questions?


  1. In Deuteronomy today, I noticed Moses' final words of encouragement to the people of Israel and then his final words of encouragement to Joshua. The encouragements seem to be the same, but when you look a little closer, they're really different.
    Also, the next set of verses in that same passage, Moses talks about how when the people of Israel are finally brought into the promised land, how they get "fat" and then turn away from God. Isn't that usually how the progression goes for those who know Christ - we have success (given by God), get prideful, and then start relying on our own strength. So goes the cycle. Interesting parallel.

  2. In Deut. today, these words are used a few times, "strong and courageous...God with you". For my first trip to Iraq I received a dog tag from a Jewish friend, on it was the scripture Joshua 1:9b, which is "Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." This was a powerful scripture that I quoted daily and used to draw strength and trust from. In Deut. it is used to prepare the people for their travel to a new land - God knows they'll need the strength and he provides comfort with His Words. This is applicable to every day life and can calm me in the most stressful situations.

  3. An interesting side-note about the Deuteronomy passage: In a Jewish synagogue, the Cantor and congregation chant scripture during services, and we also chant blessings when we pray. Likewise, when a boy or girl becomes spiritually accountable to God during the Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony, he or she will chant blessings and scripture readings.

    I had the honor of having a B'nai Mitzvah ceremony (the adult version of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah) in a Messianic Jewish synagogue (a congregation of Jewish and non-Jewish believers in and followers of Jesus). I can't fully describe in words how wondrous and meaningful it was for me to sing God's word, but I felt a closeness to Him and to the congregation that was intimate, pure, and full of joy!

    These traditions are alive today not only because Moses obeyed God, but also because generations of rabbis and worshipers have maintained them, and because generations of Jewish scribes have safeguarded God's word for us.

    God uses men and women, some of whom know and follow Jesus, and some who don't. I am grateful for those Jews who have been faithful to God's word, for without them, we would not have the scriptures today!

    Thanks be to God for His mercy!
