Friday, February 20, 2009

February 20

Today's Reading

Leviticus: we don't really know what Aaron's family was like before they left Egypt. We know that Aaron stood with his brother Moses in the presence of Pharaoh. What we do know is that Aaron caved in and built a golden calf while Moses was up on the mountain with God. Now we read that Aaron's sons weren't taking their priestly role seriously. Their drunkenness and disobedience of God's law violated God's holiness and God took action.

Mark: what do you think of the storm that Jesus rebuked? How about his actions with the demonized man and the pigs?

I continued to find great hope as I read Psalms today.

Proverbs reaffirms the Psalms message.

Good stuff! What are your thoughts?


  1. How often do we place the value of things over the value of people? I am fascinated by the story of the man tormented by demons, left alone in the tombs. I often wondered why Jesus listened to the demons and sent them into the pigs. 10,000 of them? And while the man was now 'in his right mind' the villagers were more concerned about the loss of the pigs! I just realized, Jesus valued the soul of this one man over the economy of the town. Isn't our society like that? We place a higher value on the nations economy than on the souls of people or our children's future. Wow.

  2. Brad, it is interesting that Jesus listened to the demons. But, I think that the demons did not know the ending like Jesus. They did not know the pigs would run wildly off the cliff and drown. I think of it as Jesus turning the tables on the demons. Sort of like " Oh, you want that. Okay, I'll give you exactly what you asked for". Makes me think that when I pray I should not demand for something outside of God's will, I may just get it. In other words, I need to be careful what I ask for.


  3. Brad, what a great analogy! Especially in the light of today's economy.

    Brian, I'll try to remember your comment the next time I ask for something!
