Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 4

Today's Reading

First, notice the graphic description of God coming down to the Mountain to meet Moses in today's Exodus passage. Then, get ready to be stretched. God gives commands about human behavior that is very foreign to our view of what is acceptable. When you form your questions and comments, fire away in the comments section below!

In Matthew 5, Jesus spoke a series of blessings (The Beatitudes) on people who live a pure and humble life. Today, he speaks the opposite to those religious leaders who make a big show of their outward life, but their hearts are far from God. What does this passage say to you?

Psalms today is a simple cry for God's mercy and protection, along with an exclamation of praise that He hears and answers.

Proverbs: after a clear warning about the pain of immorality, the father again brings his child back to the value of wisdom as something to be sought after and cherished. You and I are the children!

I hope for some zinger comments today!


  1. Wow. I really enjoyed reading the commandments. I sometimes feel that as Christianity has swung away from legalism, it may have swung so far as to no longer define right and wrong. Certainly there is some middle ground. As I read about the guidelines for Hebrew servants, I was stumped. The only reasoning I can think of for these laws is that the people of that time were coming upon these issues and God wanted to clearly define right from wrong. Verses 12-17 sure do involve a lot of being put to death though! I also thought of the fact that these laws were all before Jesus died for our sins and therefore the only way to correct a grievance was by giving one's life. Am I on the right track here?

  2. Lara,I enjoyed your comments. I think you are right in some cases. There are some Christians who may have swung so far as to no longer define right and wrong. I have seen a few actions that make me go "hmmmmmm". I hope their pastor or other Christians gently bring them back to the center, following the Holy Spirit. In agreement, I think in recent years we are so afraid of offending or judging people that we do not do what God tells us. That is to look at what people do (fruits), and decide to lift up, encourage, love, and correct. Later.
