Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 28

Today's Reading

Leviticus today reminds us how God designated times for celebration and times for solemnly seeking Him. They were scheduled around the farming industry because this was an agrarian society. What does it say to you and me who, because of labor-saving devices, have come to believe we must squeeze every drop of activity out of every day?

Today's passages in Mark offer Jesus' teachings on a variety of subjects. Which one speaks the most to you?

Do you think today's Psalm applies to us and our nation today? I do! We have been pummeled for so long with the message of multiculturalism that we have forgotten the things that made us great. It was never the strength of our arms that protected us. It was that so many in this land called upon the Lord and lived His ways.

Today's Proverb is one that often catches me. I'm a talker. I have received a warning.

What are your thoughts for today?


  1. I like one of the meanings behind Mark 9:39. Jesus points out "anyone who is not against us is for us", this is said in context with an act that Jesus' followers perceive not be inline with their beliefs or their church at the time. I believe Jesus' points out a cross-denomination guidance, for us to understand that different Christian denominations - to include denominations that may be close to us but do things differently - are all apart of God's Church. With this, we are not to judge what they are doing as it is in the name of God. Of course, we will disagree and have different doctrine but in the overarching scheme of God's work, each Christian church is serving God's purpose.

  2. The past few days I have been reading about animal you think other religions took this and put there own spin on it to serve their purposes? When Jesus was talking about cutting your hand, foot, etc. off because it cause you to sin - was this to be a constant reminder to the person not to sin again? Could you imagine if people did that today --- there would be quite a few people walking around without limbs, eyes, etc. and I would be one of them. I have to say I loved Proverbs today - God really tells it like it is a lesson that I have learned over and over. Thanks for helping me out yesterday Sam and Tom with your explanations. Have a great weekend. michelle

  3. Michelle, I think animal sacrifice was a great way for them to give God their best. They usually raised what they ate and had to kill it with their own hands. Giving the best animals from their possessions meant that they were putting God first. It was also looking forward to Jesus, who would make the perfect sacrifice.

    Did other religions copy it? Yes. All through history counterfeits to true worship of the One, True God have kept springing up. And still do.
