Sunday, February 8, 2009

February 8

Today's Reading

Exodus today contains the "uniform" to be worn by Aaron, the High Priest (and each High Priest who came after). Each piece had significance as he represented the people before the Lord. The New Testament Book of Hebrews clearly points out that Jesus Christ is once and for all our High Priest. We are also taught that we --all of us who receive Christ -- become priests. What are you thoughts on this?

Our Matthew passage today includes Jesus' warning that people with changed hearts demonstrate them by changed attitudes. What is your attitude about those in need?

Psalms today is a picture of a life in constant struggle against an enemy. The older I get, the more relevant it is to me. We want a life free of difficulty and conflict, yet both are part of this world and a constant battle for us as we walk with Christ.

Hate. It's a strong word we rarely use to talk about the sins which bring us down. Proverbs uses it today.

What are you learning? What are you questioning?

1 comment:

  1. i love the "third person" referances to God as He's talking to Moses. What i get out of this, is that even then there is a Holy Spirit that is talking to Moses, just like how God works within us today. I'm just debating right now whether the Spirit was inside of Him, or interceding in person on the outside. Im leaning toward the outside, considering how we have to commit to Jesus before getting the spirit inside of us, but maybe in faith, they got visits from Him as well, i dont know.
    but that was the coolest (and most subtle =P) thing i noticed in that.
