Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 12

Today's Reading

1 Kings. Solomon's wisdom and wealth were beyond anything ever experienced. Yet, notice the mention of "Pharaoh's daughter" as one of his wives. He was warned against taking the wives of pagan peoples, but he did it and that brought down his descendants.

Acts tells the vivid account of Philip and the Ethiopian. This is a popular children's Bible story, but it is so much more. Think of it! Philip obeyed God and went. God led him to this specific man. God had prepared the man's heart. Philip simply shared the Good News. The man received Christ and Philip went away. In the meantime, the man took the Good News of Jesus to Africa. The history of Christianity in Ethiopia goes all the way back to that time!

Psalms. "I am counting on the Lord," wrote the Psalmist. Are you? Am I?

Proverbs. When you put today's verses together, part of gaining wisdom is having the heart tested by God. May I grow in purity of heart!

How about you today? Thoughts or questions?


  1. I am reminded today of how amazing God's forgiveness of my sins is. His redemption overflows into my life. I truly can't imagine my life without His redemption.

  2. Acts 8:39-"When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; and the eunuch no longer saw him, but went on his way rejoicing." I don't quite "get it" about 'the Spirit of the Lord SNATCHED Philip away.' Why do you suppose the LORD removed him in this manner?

  3. linnyjo, Acts 8:39 is mysterious and we have no absolute on what it means. One possibility is that he was overwhelmed by the power of the spirit (this happened, for instance, to King Saul in the Old Testament) to the extent that he didn't know what he was doing. The passage goes on to say that "he found Azotus" which could mean he became aware of his surroundings again at that time.
