Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18

Today's Reading

1 Kings. Elijah felt alone and ready to give up. God sent an angel and God spoke to him. It seems like God kept asking him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" God knew the answer, but He wanted Elijah to think it through. Finally, God named Elisha as the one to be mentored to become Elijah's successor. It was a low time for Elijah that ended with God's work continuing and flourishing. Hmmmmm.

Acts. The persecution intensified. It was all-out war in the spirit world and ended up in casualties in the physical world. The Truth kept marching on! Don't be confused that James, the brother of John, was martyred and then Peter later tells the believers to inform James. The second James was James, the half-brother of Jesus, who became the leader of the Jerusalem church and wrote our New Testament book that bears his name.

Psalms provides the great reminder that, regardless of the difficulties, God's faithful love endures forever. 26 verses remind us of this 26 times. I get the impression this is something we ought to remember.

Proverbs. The truth is often not popular. We live in a time when the guilty are often acquitted and the innocent are often condemned. God, help us!

Your thoughts? Questions?


  1. I Kings 19 – Scary woman that Jezebel. She loved the gods because they told her what she wanted to hear. She was also mad because her voting base was eliminated. Everything that could put her into power was gone. Sounds like politics today. On a different note, why does discouragement follow success sometimes (19:3)? I guess God’s purpose for Elijah was not over.

    Acts 12 – Oops!!! Wasn’t it James and John who asked Jesus for special recognition in His kingdom? Jesus said that to be a part of His Kingdom would mean suffering. Ouch! I have a question though. Why did God allow James to die and yet miraculously save Peter?

    Psalm 136 – I am humbled that God’s love is a well that will never run dry. Thank you Lord.

    Proverbs – I’m glad I’m not a lawyer.

  2. Hey Luke,
    "On a different note, why does discouragement follow success sometimes (19:3)?" Old saying: 'After the blessin' comes the messin'." Look at in nature; the mountains wouldn't be nearly so majestic if it weren't for the valleys. Same is true for us, especially in our emotions.

    "Oops!!! Wasn’t it James and John who asked Jesus for special recognition in His kingdom? Jesus said that to be a part of His Kingdom would mean suffering." Great insight!

    "Why did God allow James to die and yet miraculously save Peter?" God had a purpose in doing it that way. When you don't understand His hand, trust His heart!

  3. Thank you. That makes sense.
