Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16

Today's Reading

1 Kings. On the day that I read this, I had received an email from a pastor in Kenya who asked for prayer about some of the issues in their nation. Hearing from him reminded me that military coups and rule by force are a part of life just as much today as back then. In the meantime, amidst the bloodshed, idolatry and treachery of Israel, there was faith. The widow of Zarephath had the faith to do what Elijah said and God honored it. Hebrews (in the New Testament) reminds us that it is impossible to please God without faith.

Acts. We are tempted to look at these events and try to establish a pattern so we can simply take the right steps and God does His thing. The problem is that God is God -- we aren't! Look at the uniqueness of these events like you do the unique things Jesus did when He healed in different situations. Learn that God can't/won't be put in your box. Ask God's Spirit to control and lead you. Be sensitive to His promptings. Respond in faith. You will be amazed at some of the things He does.

Psalms. No matter the time of day or night, it is clear that somebody in the world is praising and praying 24/7.

Proverbs. Micah 6:8 tells us that the Lord requires that we "walk humbly" with our God. That means doing what these Proverbs tell us: forgive and accept correction.

What do you see today? Questions?


  1. I Kings - It seems easy to say, "Make sure you learn from your past, the experiences of others, and the lives of those whose stories are told in the Bible. Don't repeat mistakes." However, in reality, it seems we are all doomed to repeat history's flagrant sins.

    Acts - It facinates me that so few were chosen to be Christ's witnesses and yet most of the world today has heard the Gospel story.

    Psalms - The "watchmen" who protected the temple did it with reverence and responsibly. I want to honor God by the quality of work I do (whether in the Church or outside of the church) and the attitude of service that I bring to it.

    Proverbs - Disregard the faults of others...hmmm...that is a tough one. I pray that as I grow to be like Christ I can acquire God's ability to forget the confessed sins of the past.

  2. Wise words, Luke. I really appreciate your comments!
