Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14

Today's Reading

1 Kings. I have spent years trying to understand the old prophet who tricked the prophet of God into eating and -- thereby -- losing his life. The best I have so far is that the old man was not fully serving God only. Duplicity had become common in Israel in this days and it's possible that the old man listened to whatever spirit he chose at any given time. His grief at the death of the other was because they shared a certain bond since both were prophets.

Acts. Following the movement of the Gospel in the early church was fascinating. I can almost hear the excited news of Dorcas' being raised as it spread from person to person. Many would consider that Jesus was Messiah because of this miracle.

Psalms. God's promise to bless Jerusalem continues to be partially fulfilled. In the end, Jerusalem will be the capital city with Jesus Christ reigning as King over all kings and Lord over all lords.

Proverbs. I read this verse as I looked across the living room at my grandson as he played with legos in the floor.

Your thoughts? Do you have questions today?


  1. I love reading about the early church in Acts. There is so much we can learn from them. They grew out of fear of God and were led by the Holy Spirit. They didn't grow because they had the best music or programs or facilities.

  2. Great observation, Lara. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm sorry, but where are the actual verses in each of these books that we are reading?

  4. Nevermind:-) I just found them. Ha!

  5. It's a good question, though, Luke. There are actually three ways to find them. Two are on this page. I embed the link above right under today's date. "Today's Reading" is a link to the reading each day. On the right column of this blog is a link to daily readings: click on the date. Finally, you can go to and get the link each day.
